Sunday, April 18, 2010

Notes to self:

1. Find your glasses BEFORE you take out your contacts.
2. Telling yourself that the white chunks in your potato manti are onions and not fat does not magically turn them into onions and will not allow you repress your gag reflex.
3. You should’ve learned after Jordan’s wedding that volunteering to do any more than two heads of hair is a bad idea. Six 9th graders later- learn the lesson!
4. No matter how much you wish it to not be so, April in Kyrgyzstan is still going to be cold.
5. Mud is as slippery as ice, only when you fall on ice, you don’t have to change clothes.

Random Question
1. Why is it that when I lose weight, it always comes from the boobs first? Totally not fair.
2. Why is it that foods I didn’t really even like that much in America make me drool here just because I can’t have it? For example: caesar salad dressing.
3. What was I thinking letting my laundry pile up this far?
4. Why are farm animals so dumb?
5. Why do people assume I’m anything but American? English, Turkish, Russian, German, French, and Finnish have all been guessed.

About Prom:
Prom was great! One of my ninth graders told me it was the best night of her life haha. It was also her birthday, so I guess that is a good way to celebrate!
Teenagers are the same here as they are in America. The good things and the bad. I don’t really want to go into detail, just think back and remember your own prom, and the behavior of teenagers.
“The Way I Are” was an irritating song BEFORE I became an English teacher and before I heard it four times in one night.

That concludes the randomness of my thoughts for today.
Miss you
Love from Kyrgyzstan,

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