Wednesday, June 3, 2009

New Address and other random unimportant stuff

Important Info:

I have my new address!!!:

Issyk-kul Oblast
A/Я 40
ATTN: Jessika Coe

А/Я 40

I'm sharing with another volunteer who lives in the city, so i'll know when i get mail and won't have to go check a box if there is no mail. haha

le sigh. it is wednesday afternoon in sunny kyrgyzstan. The weather here is similar to the way I remember it in Virginia. "if you don't like the weather, wait five minutes and it will change."

I got caught in a hailstorm yesterday in the capital. twice. we ate lunch at a restaurant and sat outside. I commented when we sat down that it'd be cool to sit outside in the rain one day since it was a covered area. marble sized hail was not what i had in mind. haha

we got some sad news yesterday, too. another trainee decided to ET (early termninate) we found out that of all of the 2009 PST groups worldwide we have the lowest ET rate, which is AWESOME!, but it makes it even harder when someone decides to go home since we've all gotten so close over the past two months.

we get sworn in as volunteers in about a week or so! i'm super excited! apparently we get a pretty sweet party afterwards. someone mentioned doritos at said party. i didn't even miss doritos until someone mentioned having them. ok, I don't really miss doritos, i miss the option of having doritos if I want them. doritos and guacamole. sigh. drool.

ok, now that i've wiped my mouth... haha
I'm gonna sign off and go study for my lanugage test that i have tomorrow. i've reached the profiency that i need a few weeks ago, so i'm not really worried about it, but i think a few of my friends here are gonna come study for a few hours, so we might actually speak kyrgyz for 15 minutes or so. haha

miss you
love from kyrgyzstan,

1 comment:

  1. YAAAY for new address. Im still not sure that you have received your package yet, and concerned that you WILL get it. Let me know something!! Whats with the mid week internet?!
