you know you love hearing from me so just pace yourselves.
I'm gonna try to post a few more pictures today. I'm crossing my fingers.
I'm in Karakol, the big city close to my site, and i'm gonna get to hang out with some other americans which is gonna be awesome. I miss speaking English. I think we might go to the lake or something. It should be fun.
I'm settling into my new village still. I finally have a schedule for the summer. I'll be doing english clubs five days a week. M-W i have three separate one hour sessions divided up by grade level. On Thursdays i'm gonna do a club with the teachers at my school, a nerve racking thought. and on fridays i'll be meeting with just the upper level students. It seems like a lot, and that is great! I now have something to do to take up my time. YAY!
I miss you all, tons!
And i've been thinking of a few of the things that i miss and didn't think that I would miss, or just took for granted. such as:
-being able to communicate.
-sticky, hot, humid Virgina summers. I've worn long sleeves and sweaters since I got to my site. and it is June. not used to that at all.
-i'm gonna quit this list now because it makes me miss things even more.
well, here goes a try for the pics. this blog is short, but there are three enormous ones preceding it....
This is the teaching staff at my school after our day in the mountains.
besh barmak. read the food blog.
sorry it's sideways, didn't have time to flip it, but this is me and my host mom and youngest sister in the mountains. my host mom is a teacher too, so we went together with the teacher.
miss you
love from Kyrgyzstan
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