the beach
my favorite picture from yesterday
my host brother
21 July 2009
I am dirty. My hair is nappier than it has ever been in my life. I am exhausted. I am wearing clothes that don’t even come close to matching. I’m covered in mosquito bites. I taught three students today in club instead of the usual forty.
It could not have been a better day! Haha
Today, as I was doing my second club (with three students- low attendance is my fault – I’ll talk about it later) my host mom came and asked me if I wanted to go to the lake. Um… OF COURSE!
I didn’t do my last two clubs, but don’t really feel bad about it, and went to the lake with part of my host family and extended host family.
There were 13 of us in one mini van. But eight were under the age of 14.
The beach was beautiful! Caribbean-blue water and a mountain backdrop. I’m gonna try to post pictures of it when I go into the city next.
We picnicked at the lake, my host aunt made vegetarian gretchka, which is like buckwheat, I guess, (That’s the English translation that we get anyway).because she knows that I don’t eat meat.
I saw enough naked babies today to last me a really really long time. Haha. The birthday suit is the swimsuit of choice for kids under 4.
It was a great day. I got to lay on the beach, and swim in blue water in the middle of a landlocked country. Glorious.
The reason that low attendance in clubs is my fault is because I originally said that we wouldn’t have clubs this week because I was going to help with a camp, but decided not to.
I got a text saying that I got a package from Jenn!!! I’m gonna try to go into the city tomorrow to get it, and hopefully post this then.
I’m gonna say a huge thank you to jenn, even though I haven’t opened the package yet, I know it’ll be awesome!
Oh, and I want to apologize to everyone that I abruptly signed off with last weekend. The internet café lost power. I dunno why.
I’m gonna go see if I can help my host mom with dinner.
Miss you!
Love from Kyrgyzstan,
YAAAAAAAY for the awesome pics. its gorgeous. maybe i should come to YOU instead of you coming here for christmas haha. also- i posted pics too, of camden and his blankie, be sure to check them next time youre on. and ill try to get a blog or two postedd for you as well.