30 April 2009
Okay, I realize that when I finally get to post a blog, you are all going to be blown away with the amount of new info from me. Pace yourselves. It might be a while in between posts. Right now I’m 4 blogs behind being posted. Hopefully I’ll be able to post these this weekend, but who knows?
Sooo. Exciting news from Kyrgyzstan…
I got a surprise mid-week banya! My apa decided that the reason I’ve been getting sick is because I do a bucket bath in the middle of the week. And since I don’t get sick after taking a banya on the weekends, the bucket bath should be replaced with a banya. The fact that she’s right about me always waking up sick the morning after a bucket bath is kinda funny. I think its more because I go to bed with wet hair after a bucket bath, but my hair dries on the weekends after a banya, but who knows? (I need to invest in a blow dryer) Anyways, since turning down a banya is on my Top Ten List of Things I’ll Never Do in The Next Two Years- I banya-ed. And it was as glorious as ever. Le sigh. Another reason for why my Apa is the best host mom.
I got to wash dishes for the first time today! Super exciting. Okay, not really. Who likes washing dishes anyway? BUT I got to do it Kyrgyzstan and that makes it cool. I think my apa is beginning to think that I’m maybe not a total waste of space… haha
The whole “holy cow, I’m in Kyrgyzstan” moments still get me from time to time. They’re still awesome. I actually had quite a few today. I sat in the middle of the reservoir (sans water) with most of the volunteers in the village, had a magnificent view of the snow capped mountains, saw sheep being herded back from the village, and realized how blessed I am to have this opportunity. Who gets to go to Kyrgyzstan to live for two years? Me! Haha A lot of the kids in my school know my name. There are three of us that have names that are relatively easy to pronounce for them/that they remember and mine is one of them. Plus I taught one of the bigger/biggest 6th grade classes twice so they all knew me. It is nice to walk around and have “hello jessika” yelled at me.
I’m going to go sneak a ferrero rocher that mom sent me and read the US newspaper before my second dinner (I think I might pop)
Love from Kyrgyzstan,
Sika! I sent you a letter with the typed out addresses you sent out on it but they sent it back! SAD FACES! Are you going to be at this address much longer? If so, I'll try again :-). Sounds like you are having a lot of fun!
ReplyDeleteLove, Jenn
PS: I'm legal now! 21! YAY!!
PSS: What are you doing summer 2010? ;-)
jess, you are amazing. i love you for doing this- everytime i see what you're doing i am blown away!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHey Jess,
ReplyDeleteI am so excited to read your updates! You sound like you are having a great time! I may have to share some of my teaching secrets with you and you with me ok?! Isn't it the best thing in the world once the students know your name? They are going to be sooo upset when you have to leave them! Mine from student-teaching are really going through withdrawal not seeing me everyday.
Can't wait to get your next update!
Love ya bunches! I am praying for you!
Brandi :)